Headteacher’s Message

Head Teacher's Message

Welcome to Kyambogo College School virtual home. I am glad that this website is up and functioning.

The 66 years of the school’s existence put us in the category of “traditional schools” in Uganda. Traditional schools were founded in the early years after the introduction of education by the missionaries and over the years have continued to offer holistic education. They continue to be spaces where continuous nurturing of the young generation takes place.

At Kyambogo College School, this is what we strive to do as elaborated in our Vision and Mission statements. While we bask in the glorious past times, we should not forget that these are new times, with very different challenges that as a school, we have to deal with. The advancement of technology, artificial intelligence, and the requirements of the fourth industrial revolution in general mean that we have to take big strides in this direction. 

Keeping digitally connected with the outside world is therefore critical in this era. The COVID-19 pandemic with its effects on schools and communities also proved that technology use is the way to go. E-learning is now part of our daily vocabulary. More than ever before, there is also need for inculcation of soft skills and nurturing talent in the children we teach. This space can be used to do this.

I therefore invite all stakeholders of Kyambogo College School to make this website an interactive space for learning and sharing ideas about the many aspects of the school; academics, co – curricular, fundraising, among others. Let us all paly our individual and collective roles in (re)building this great school. Shakespeare in his comic play, As You Like It wrote, “all the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players…” Those of us who are here now, this is a clarion call. We have no excuse whatsoever.

Let us all recognise the unique challenges the school is faced with, and play an active role in (re)building the great institution.

I also call upon well-wishers to support the school in its endeavours. Like our motto says, let’s reach for excellence – DUC IN ALTUM

For God and my Country

Stanley Mugume


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